Wampler PlexiDrive
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Like everyone else, Brian Wampler has always G.A.S.?d after certain amps from history. One of the amps that?s always been high on his personal wish list is a Marshall JTM-45. That historic British stack tone that provided the foundations of rock.Now, not many people know that Brian is in fact a huge fan of rock music? Classic rock music? Rock music that was born of a great guitarist, playing a great guitar into a great amp.All of this came to a head when a band mate of his inherited a JTM-45. That, as they say, was it. Brian had to have that tone. Most people would see that as a cue to get their credit card out and crawl the net in the hope of finding one that wasn?t going to cost him and arm and a leg, but not Brian, there was only one thing for it. Design a pedal that could give him that tone from his gear, and anyone else?s gear if possible.Have slaved over the breadboard forever, tweaking everything (and perfecting his AC/DC and Hendrix riffs along the way), he had it. The ultimate M.I.A.B. (Marshall in a box), the ultimate tone from the original amp of rock, from his own gear.Designed to sit somewhere between the JTM-45 and Marshall 18, this pedal will allow you to have that massive stack tone, full of poweramp tone from your rig. With the added option of the bass boost, you can emulate the sound (and trouser flapping) thump of a 4x12(or two) at the flick of a switch. All of this available from you gear, whether it be in a bedroom or at a gig.This pedal remains a favourite of Brian?s to this day, and he still uses it most gigs. For a man who is said to be never satisfied with his tone, the Plexi-Drive has stayed with him throughout and it is still making him smile years later.Your search for a M.I.A.B. is over. There is only one pedal that gives you that tone, that crunch, that response and that feeling.There is only one PlexiDrive, and Wampler Pedals bring it to you. So, as they say… For those about to Rock, we salute you…