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Evans vs Remo Drum Heads

Evans vs Remo Sub-Brand Comparison

Thanks for visiting our online store. Evans is a big part of our focus as we try and help customers quickly find what they need.

Sub-Brand Comparison


Remo Ambassador

Remo Ambassador X

Remo Emperor

Remo Emperor Ebony

Remo Pinstripe

Remo X14


Remo Controlled Sound

Remo Powerstroke 3

Remo Powerstroke 4

Unique to Evans

Remo Emperor

Evans Heavyweight

Remo Emperor X

Remo Hazy Ambassador


Remo Powerstroke 4

Remo Powerstroke 3

Remo Powerstroke Pro

Remo Powersonic

Evans EMAD Heavyweight

Unique to Evans


Remo Ebony Ambassador

Remo Powerstroke 3 (with hole)

Unique to Evans

Unique to Evans

please note these are not exact product likenesses but reflect good similarity between the two brands. Minor variation will occur in both tone and feel.

Pictured Above: Inked By Evans head in red. Level 360 heads are not red in colour.

Evans Level 360

There has been fantastic feedback for the improvements the new Evans Level 360 Heads have made to the range. 2014 has also seen the 360 come to the Bass Drum Heads. All of our Evans heads are now shipping with Level 360.

Level 360 is a new method of construction which make the head flatter and level even before it is tuned. The Level heads are actually able to make a tone even before any tension is put on the head giving you quicker and more reliable tuning and refining.

Read more on Evans site about Level 360 here..

We Choose Evans

We have been Evans Dealers for many years and have always had fantastic support from them, both as a retailer and for you as customers. Other areas that are important to us are availability. We stock 200+ different heads and place an order every day with D'Addario UK giving quick delivery to the entire range of Evans. D'Addario’s efficiency is second to none in the Music Industry. We aim to continue this flow of efficiency to our customers.

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